Saturday, December 8, 2007


What do I do?

At work I asked for my finals week off, which is merely Wednesday (so I can study) thru Tuesday (my Calc final). But, of course, I didn't get it.

I'm supposed to work on Thursday right after my final, and close on Saturday night (11pm now), and then, although the schedule isn't up for next week, I'm sure I'd have to be there before we open (6am as is my usual Sunday shift).

I know that I need this time off so that I can be free from the stresses of work and simply focus on school. I don't particularly need this job, especially with the managers always picking on me (Barb). They act like I never do enough. They want me to simply stay in my domestics department, and not help out anywhere else. However, if I did that, the store would run quite poorly and customers would complain even more than they do now and most would stop shopping there.

I'd hate to leave all my wonderful friends behind, but I can't put school as a second priority, or I'll end up like Grrr. :'(

I've heard advice that I should talk to both Barb and Susan together and try to work something out.

But, what do you think, my mass populous of friends and random people?
Leave a comment on this note, or write me a message, and tell me what you would do in this situation.


1 comment:

Kirsten Schultz said...

Well, I talked to Susan and she fixed my schedule. All is well. :)