Wednesday, November 7, 2007


So in my Excel class (csc107), we have to go through these tutorials. Here's this week's...

Ellen Jefferson, business manager for the Eugene Community Theatre in Eugene, Oregon, is automating several processes for the theatre's business office. Each year, the theatre mails a brochure to patrons and other interested individuals showcasing the upcoming seasons' offerings. Then, theatre-goers make their selections and mail in the order form. Ellen wants to automate the process of invoicing, capturing the order, calculating the charges, and printing an invoice. She also wants the invoice system to reflect specific requests for tickets (number, series, and location in theatre).

But get this - I always thought that there was some truth to some of these. Obviously, if you're from Eugene, you know the above is false. It gets better... Here're some of the people...

Michael Keller
1234 Main Street
Eugene, OR 70777
(806) 555-1111

George Zildane
105 Central Ave.
Eugene, OR 70777
(808) 685-1111

Kate Holland
186 Pinetop Drive
Eugene, Oregon 70777
(888) 555-1234

Ridiculousness! I feel mocked... :(

Off to homeworkland for moi! Au revoir!

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