Thursday, May 1, 2008

What is the World Coming to?

It seems like all we're hearing about lately, with exception of the occasional heroism, is bad news.
Gas keeps going up. The national average has gone up more than thirty cents in the past month, and yet many companies including ExxonMobil are reporting record profits. This company in particular has also refused to explore alternative fuels, which is getting them sued by late founder John D. Rockefeller's heirs. Hopefully some good comes of it. Because of gas though, many people are trying to sell family heirlooms that are priceless to these families, but aren't fetching high prices online. We all need the extra money for gas. Whenever most people get their stimulus check, it should be a little better, but in the meantime, our economy sucks.

And then there's the Syncrude Canada Ltd. company, whose dumping of toxic waste is killing off poor duckies. Not only was it caused by the company dumping toxic waste into the pond nearby and not attempting to keep ducks away from it, but the company didn't report it at all. Only five out of 500 of the ducks survived, when normally only about two dozen die.

There have been like 344 earthquakes in Reno in the past WEEK?!?!? Most of them are small aftershocks, but the most recent quake was a 4.7, which wasn't strong enough to demolish houses, but definitely enough to shake everything up a lot. Store owners had to clean up hundreds of bottles of wine and other groceries.

And apparently Japan has one of the highest suicide rates? I guess there has been a surge in suicide websites, with people posting - similar to craigslist personals - "Let's die together," "Anyone else ready to die?" and the ever so popular "Email me if serious." The latest craze is to mix laundry detergent and cleaning solutions, creating hydrogen sulfide gas. Being a former chem major, I can tell you first hand that this stuff smells about ten times worse than running over a skunk. Why in the world anyone would want to smell that during their last precious moments on Earth, even if they are trying to kill themselves, is completely beyond me. On top of that, many of these people live in apartment buildings. These people want to die 'honorably' but they're taking out their neighbors too, or at least causing terrible brain damage due to suffocation and the chemicals themselves. Seriously, there are much better and 'honorable' ways to get rid of yourself, so maybe invest in those? Kthxbai.

Josef Fritzl just scares the crap out of me. How can someone keep their own daughter locked in the cellar and rape her repeatedly for 24 years and father seven children with her? And how in the hell did the mother NOT know this was going on? What, she didn't go down in to the cellar for 24 years? Are you shitting me? I don't go into my basement all that much, but seriously, 24 years? I'd want to know what was down there, especially since it seems like he spent most of his time down there anyhow. I don't care if my husband told me I wasn't allowed to go down there. Actually, that would probably make me want to look more. And she just believed that her crazy 'deadbeat' daughter would come back and drop these three kids on their doorstep? And none of them knew where their family was? I'm thinking that there's more to be said about this family than meets the eye. I think it's interesting to note though that one of the children died - probably because s/he needed medical attention - but when 19 year old Kerstin starts having convulsions, Fritzl decides she should go to the hospital.

Seriously, what is the world coming to? Is the capitalist mindset so embedded into our souls that we can't even be human anymore? Do we even remember how to help people out? I know I'm a liberal free-spirited hippie chick, but really people, get on the ball.

If you're Buddhist, there are a myriad of great quotes from all of the wonderful teachers we've had in the past, especially Siddartha Gautama: "The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.” Don't we all know that we must help others? "Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.” "Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” We have been charged to help others, and it happened around 2500 years ago. This is not a new concept at all.

I don't believe in God, but if you do, you should probably pay more attention to this section.

I apologize if you're Jewish, because I haven't studied the Torah or the Tanakh very closely, so I hope you don't feel too left out.

If you're Christian, you know about Jesus and all the things that he said to do, like "love thy neighbor" and "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.” Oh and surely every kid who went to Kindergarten knows the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

If you're Muslim, you know about similar quotes from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Not only do you agree with most of Jesus' sayings, but you have some parallel sayings of your own: "Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them," and one of my favorites to compare, "Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.” Or one especially nice for today's world to see - "Especially if you are well-to-do, see that no one goes hungry or naked.” And just one more for good measure: "Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.”

So why not live like the good [insert your religion here] and help other people out? A smile counts, because that becomes infectious.

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