Friday, October 26, 2007


Theron's car is finally ready! Thank god! I got tired of walking lol. But they've had it since Monday morning - how long can it really take to fix some break lines?

I got on to check on my credit card, to see how much I owe and all. It said I had like 200 available on it... I got scared that maybe some things hadn't cleared... But they raised my credit limit to $650 now instead of the $500 it's been at since I got it last July. Yay me! Hopefully that means I got kudos on my credit score too! :-D

I think I'm going to switch majors. I know that I want to have Religious Studies as my major, but I'm debating between Politics and History as a minor... or both... I hadn't thought of both, but Theron brought up the idea this morning, and it seems like a good one to me. I've always been able to handle the intellectual stuff better, so I dunno why I keep trying to major in a hard science. Apparently I like to make things hard on myself.

Last night was our Trivial Pursuit game - history club students against the faculty, and we almost won! We got all the pie pieces first, but they got their final answer right before us. :( At least we tried hard! And had tons o' fun! One of the professors there, Dr. Byler, if from Pendleton, Oregon. We had a nice lil talk about Eugene and Oregon and how much we both miss it back in the rainy land we hail from. Funny enough, it all resulted from a question we had to ask the faculty about Oregon State, and then someone said - "Oh yah, U of O isn't Corvallis..." and I'm like "No, that's Eugene... where I hail from." So then all the faculty got wrapped up in asking me questions about it instead of paying attention to their questions, lol. It was a lot of fun though, and maybe part of my wants to minor in history to be the new president of the club, so I can plan fun stuffs like that too! Michelle did an awesome job! Oh! And the best part about it was that it was like a costume party too! Theron went as a cow (hee hee) and I went as a muted version of Pat Bennetar. There was a Monk, some 40s women, a WWI soldier, a Crusades fighter, and the lost Princess Anastasia (in disguise, of course!). Rempe, the only history professor I've taken a class from (who retired last year, much to the chagrin of almost the entire campus) showed up! It was nice to see him outside of Kmart... He comes in a lot to get bug spray and such.

I've had this feeling the past couple of days that something bad was going to happen (read my last blog for more details). I was convinced that it was going to have something to do with Theron, since anyone who knows me knows that I have terrible relationship luck. This morning, though, on the way to school, my dad and I almost got into a horrible car accident that surely would've crippled him, and at least left me with a concussion and maybe a broken arm/leg and some ribs. At the intersection of Racine Ave and Hwy 164, there's a light (duh!). We had the go straight arrow, and hence, the right of way. We were a lil ways back, and so one of the cars going to turn went, which was perfectly fine - he totally had enough time to do so. But, the van behind him decided it was going to go... without looking. We're coming, and he's going. Dad slowed down, but the van sped up, and we were seriously within an inch or so of being creamed. Dad swerved, sans breaking, and then quickly had to swerve to the other side to avoid a white semi-van thing that was going to go through the right turn without yielding! Phew! We are so lucky that he is a good driver. But, my bad feeling that I had? It's gone now. Hopefully, that was what it was about. I think everything is going to be okay now... or at least, I hope.

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