Saturday, April 19, 2008

You Throw Like a Girl

This is more Theron's thing, but I decided maybe I might write about some fun baseball goings-ons.

Kawamoto technical high school was beat by Shunshukan high in Tokyo, Japan. Not that exciting, except if you note that Shunshukan scored SIXTY-SIX runs in just TWO innings - 26 in the first inning and the other 40 in the second. Kawamoto's coach begged for the game to be over, not only to save his players and fans from the loss of self-esteem, but to save his pitcher's arm. He could've thrown over 500 pitches before the game ended, with a huge possibility of injury. Officially, they were credited with a 9-0 win, to make Kawamoto feel more respected I suppose. I tried to find a video, but to no avail.

On Friday, April 25th, I'm going to the Brewers/Marlins game. I'm pretty excited. I've only been to a few freshman baseball games, which aren't really rule-following sadly. Hopefully, they'll win. Theron's dad does some sports coverage, so he'll be there too. Unfortunately, we won't be able to be in the press box for the game, but we'll get to be there beforehand. Plus, we're sitting out where the foul balls get hit, so there's a chance I'll get a real Major League ball! I hope I get to meet Ryan Braun :) Nah, I really hope that Theron and I have tons o' fun, which is almost guaranteed.

That said, Theron has been teaching me how to play baseball a little bit. Pretty much, we've just been playing catch. But it's helping to break in my glove, and giving me some confidence. I can kinda throw alright now, and I'm getting better at catching the ball. Hopefully, it'll improve with even more practice. At the very least, I feel good about being able to throw things better, so that's good.

I'm sure I'll post and let everyone know how it went. I have all of next weekend off work for my birthday. As much as I love everyone at Kmart, I need a comfy weekend without the stress. I'll probably post before then, but if not, definitely around there then. I hope everyone has a great week!

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