Sunday, June 28, 2009

US Support for Iran

I'm back from my vacation with the boyfriend. It was amazing and so is he. I had a ton of fun and really don't want to do anything productive anytime soon. *sigh*

Jon Bon Jovi is showing it, so why isn't anyone else with some power?


Video from Atlanta, GA A young supporter in CA #iranelection

RT Quote from BRAVE IRANIANS: If fighting for our freedom is a crime, than we are proud to be criminals. #iran #neda

RT CNN Much more protesters today as there were last days, which means revolution is ALIVE. Keep supporting #gr88 #iran #Neda

European Union Warns Iran Against Acts of Intimidation

I can NOT find any confirmation of arrest #mousavi. Please ppl stop spreading rumors, think of what it will do to the greenrevolution #gr88

Mousavi is just like the rest of them, so arrested or not doesn't make much of a diff asfaras I'm concerned.

Journalism Rules Are Bent in News Coverage From Iran - New York Times

RT [riveting vid]The crowd is as loud as ever. view from inside the mosque today #iran #gr88 #neda

A blogger claims that trusted sources close to Mousavi have rejected news of his arrest:

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